Friday, May 8, 2009

Swine Flu

The Swine Flu has hit the world by Storm, kiling hundreds in its origination in Mexico and effecting Thousand all over the world. A few years back Sars unleashed from China and wrecked haveck across the world and the real question is will Swine Flu do the same. The Swine Flu has so far been mild in places outside of Mexico but it still does not leave a place to be worried. With analyists talking about the outbreak there is only some much people can do about. But happily it has been controlled in some ways. Health Specialists say that because of preparations for a posible Bird Flu outbreak years back they have the necessary precautions to control the flu to the best of their abilities. But until then the World will just have to sit and wait. - Ayman Abdulmana.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Chillin at the lab in school. with me homes. One person has gotten horny with another person.
x + y= Horny
Their someone and someone.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Playstation 2 still rockin

I personally have a Playstation 2 at home and even with the new generation of consoles in the market I find the game play still very effective. In past years when you thought about the next generation of gaming you thing about double the expierience. the move from Playstation1 to Ps2 Gameboy-gameboy advance Sp etc. You really see the difference not only in graphics but gameplay alike. But the move from the Ps2 Generation to this next generation isn't that dramatic. The original Xbox also had a hard drive and xbox live alike the new xbox 360 and the ps2 is not that different from the Ps3 either. Which is why Ps2 is still selling more consoles than the PS3 after 8 years(2000-2008). Although the Ps3 does give a new expierience,like wifi, free online service, built in blu-ray and more it doesn't shoutout great buy in my opinion. There are some upsides to having an older console. you cand get older games for under 5.00. When the same new games as the PS3, Xbox 360 come out they are up to 50.00 cheaper on the Ps2.
ex. NBA 2k9- PS2- 19.99 PS3- 59.99. So these great deals can keep your waller heavy. Ofcourse though if you loking to buy a console I wouldn't recommend buying the Playstation2 because you're going to get really pissed when in a year or so they stop making games. But if you have a Playstation 2 already I would wait a little because once they discontinue the playstation 2 in a year or so and focus on the PS3 prices will go down. As what happened with the xbox 360 and xbox.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fall of 2008

Sorry guys. I haven't been posting anything since May. But now I've got alot to talk about the Gaming Wrold this fall. First of there are a ton of games coming out now for every system even the playstation2. But this is the year of the Playstation3. Everybody knows this. This is finally the year where the Playstation 3 will surpass the Xbox 360. August was the first month that the PS3 ever sold more consoles than the xbox 360.Now they got killer realeases like Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planetand now unlike before more multi platform games are starting to centre there games around the Playstation3. But xbox 360 hasn't been quite either, killer titles like Gears of War "2", Faible 2 and Fallout 3 ( which is multi platform game but was made souly for the xbox360). Plus the fact for the first time in history killer titles that were exclusive to the Playstation series like Final Fanasy and Resident Evil are become available for the Xbox 360 aswell as the PS3. Xbox 360 is still the next generation console of choice of your talking about todays games. But in a couple of years PS3 will be head as there game libary is catching up to Microsoft and the Blu-ray and cell processor is unbeatable. Also the PS3 have had minor tweaks to their systems that had been critiszed like non rumble controllers. But the fact remains that in these rough economic times people are looking at their wallets carefully when choosing a system. Which is why the Wii (a topic for another day) took out the focos for todays graphics to make the price ideal for todays conumers. And face it, Playstation 3 is way to expensive. The core Console which is 199 for the exbox 360 is 399 for the Playstation3 and now they discontinued the 40 and made the 80 399. Which is definately value escepicially with the Blue-ray, built in Wifi etc. But its still to expensive. Sure if you add all the costs to make the xbox 360 exactly like the PS3, Wifi adapter, Xbox live membership, Hd dvd(discontinued) player. In total thats almost 100.00 more than the Ps3. Don't forget red Rings of Death. But when its an add on people don't see it as to much. "Get the Wifi one week, Get xbox live another". You don't feel it whereas the ps3 you pay all at once. So thats my take . Soeey I'm in a rush. I'll post when I can.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Being an Actor

I would love to be an actor. Personnaly i'm looking for auditions for myself. But in Canada you mostly find your self having to pay thousands for not even a 1% chance of getting in a advert or anything. They said we would be going for this high class auditions in Toronto and be staying at high class hotel and have a great change of making it through the auditions. But they do shit! Everything was not as it was cracked up to be we ended up spedin $2400 bucks for nuthin.
So maybe my miss fortunes can help u if ur looking to be in the acting buissness.
1. Never go and sign to an agent that wants more than 200.00 up front.
2. Don't agree to pay over 100.00 for "Proffessional Photos"
3. And always check ur facts and do research

So good luck. And remember its hard to get into showbiz without connections especially in Canada so keep trying and don't give up.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Email to talk about lots of cool stuff with me

Grand Theft Auto

As it came out buyers were waitin until Midnight for a copy. The new installement to the famous game series has just gotten better. Minor setback if u do not have the PS3 or Xbox 360 as it is only for those 2 systems. Personally I only have the PS2 so therefore will not be playin the game. Parents of yonger children might not be to happy as it has Mature content probably more than any of the previous games in this sega maybe in anyother of the latest Mature games but will sertanly be worth wild for those lovin seekers. I personnally have Grand Theft Auto 3 and have continuesly played for along time before trading in at EBGames. If you are the Mature seeking gamer than this is the right game for you. I would suggest pre-ordering or waiting until April29.2008, don`t expect to see it in stores the following morning.