Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fall of 2008

Sorry guys. I haven't been posting anything since May. But now I've got alot to talk about the Gaming Wrold this fall. First of there are a ton of games coming out now for every system even the playstation2. But this is the year of the Playstation3. Everybody knows this. This is finally the year where the Playstation 3 will surpass the Xbox 360. August was the first month that the PS3 ever sold more consoles than the xbox 360.Now they got killer realeases like Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planetand now unlike before more multi platform games are starting to centre there games around the Playstation3. But xbox 360 hasn't been quite either, killer titles like Gears of War "2", Faible 2 and Fallout 3 ( which is multi platform game but was made souly for the xbox360). Plus the fact for the first time in history killer titles that were exclusive to the Playstation series like Final Fanasy and Resident Evil are become available for the Xbox 360 aswell as the PS3. Xbox 360 is still the next generation console of choice of your talking about todays games. But in a couple of years PS3 will be head as there game libary is catching up to Microsoft and the Blu-ray and cell processor is unbeatable. Also the PS3 have had minor tweaks to their systems that had been critiszed like non rumble controllers. But the fact remains that in these rough economic times people are looking at their wallets carefully when choosing a system. Which is why the Wii (a topic for another day) took out the focos for todays graphics to make the price ideal for todays conumers. And face it, Playstation 3 is way to expensive. The core Console which is 199 for the exbox 360 is 399 for the Playstation3 and now they discontinued the 40 and made the 80 399. Which is definately value escepicially with the Blue-ray, built in Wifi etc. But its still to expensive. Sure if you add all the costs to make the xbox 360 exactly like the PS3, Wifi adapter, Xbox live membership, Hd dvd(discontinued) player. In total thats almost 100.00 more than the Ps3. Don't forget red Rings of Death. But when its an add on people don't see it as to much. "Get the Wifi one week, Get xbox live another". You don't feel it whereas the ps3 you pay all at once. So thats my take . Soeey I'm in a rush. I'll post when I can.

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